Life changes, and so should your website.

So you've been using a website for a while, and you're happy with it. Except ...

You need to make some adjustments. You might want to add more pages, update information, modify the navigation, replace images or PDFs, correct broken links, change the way a feature works, add a Facebook badge, and so on.

Even if you have a content management system, some parts of the website may not be reachable through it. Or you might not have time to make the changes yourself. One option is to just live with things as they are. But the problems won't go away, and they're only going to get worse.

I will take the time to understand what you need done. If there are several ways to accomplish them, I'll explain the options. Then I'll get to your website changes right away. If major programming or graphic design work is needed, I can help you decide what to do, write clear instructions for a programmer or designer, and then manage the work until it's finished.

I am happy to work with website design companies who wish to provide ongoing support to their clients.